The first ever women training programme on tractor operation is ongoing at Adidome Farm Institute in the Volta Region. The programme was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture and it was implemented by New Partnership for Africa Development (NEPAD) through its Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) and funded by the German Cooperation (GIZ).

The training was launched on 7th September, 2018 by the deputy minister for Agriculture in charge of Horticulture, Mr. George Oduro, on the theme ‘Women in the Driving Seat (WiDS). He urged the beneficiaries to take the training seriously because the government will institute Agriculture Machinery centres in the country from next year and this would secure the women jobs to do.

Thirty beneficiaries lined up on the first day to start the training.

The facilitators and the beneficiaries were introduced on 8th September, 2018. The beneficiaries were made up of women with knowledge in various forms of agriculture. During the period of introduction, the trainees expressed their aspiration to gain grounds in the operation and maintenance of heavy agricultural machinery. The trainees also expressed their excitement about the fact that the male dominance in agriculture, in terms of operation of farm machinery, is going to be broken and thus lauded the introduction of such an initiative.

Some of the beneficiaries with their facilitator on field for examination of the machines.

Mr. Baffour Awuah, the director and architect of the programme, advised the beneficiaries to stay keen and acquire the best aspect in the training and to make sure that their expectations are met after the training. Moreover, Mr Michael Boateng, the National Coordinator for CAADP urged the trainees not to depend on the promises from the government but should focus on how they would utilise the skills acquired at the end of the programme to better their lives and help boost the agricultural sector.

Dr. Baffour Awuah, advising the beneficiaries to take the training seriously in order to meet their expectations.

First week of the training.
The training started on 10th September, 2018. The beneficiaries were divided into groups consisting 5 members in each group. They started with introduction to farm tractors, operation system and components. The facilitators took their time to explain the unit to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries were excited about how comprehensively practical the training had been. More emphasis was placed on practical training which was that the trainees were allowed to have real life practical experience of the machinery.

A Facilitator explaining things to his beneficiaries.

The trainees would undergo a month long training after which certificates would be awarded to the beneficiaries and with collaboration with the Drivers and Vehicle License Authority, the trainees would be issued driving licence.

Source; Priscilla Ahovi/