Zambia farmer collapsed after government kills his 71 animals.


ZAMBIA- Zambia Farmer of Choma’s Macha in Southern Province collapsed on 9th June, 2019 after the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock slaughtered and disposed off 71 animals worth K138,000.

Choma District Fisheries and Livestock Coordinator, Dr. Alex Hachangu said this is in view of the animal movement ban effected in February due to the Foot and Mouth Disease.

The disposed animals were from Pemba, an area affected with Foot and Mouth and were destined for Mumbwa through Mang’unza.

Dr. Hachangu stated that the action was in line with the Health Act No. 27 of 2010 which provides for the clearance of all animals moving from one district to another by the veterinary department.

He added that the ministry had no choice in this case as there was clearance from Vet and the police.There was wailing and crying from Macha residents when the ministry paraded 71 animals including 32 Cattle, 28 Sheep and 11 Goats in pulls of blood worth K138, 000.

Meanwhile, Keme Syantumbe, owner of the stock, who could not hold his emotions described the incident as a death penalty because his entire life depends on the slaughtered animals.

He said the future of his 13 children who were in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary level have been shuttered as their education depended on the slaughtered animals.

Asked where they would take the carcass, Dr Hachangu said the ministry will auction the 32 Cattle to the nearest Abattoir owned by a Somalian should they be deemed fit for human consumption.