Agricultural Sector Holds 2019 Joint Sector Review.


The 2019 edition of Joint Sector Review of the agriculture sector has being held in Kumasi with the theme; improving planning, coordination and results management for food and jobs.

The review which took three days started from 18th and end on 20th June, 2019 with the objectives being; to assess the performance of the agricultural sector for 2018, to conduct 2019 mid-year review of the sector and outlook for 2020, to identify ways of improving planning, coordination and reporting and to create awareness on investment opportunities in the Sector.

This year’s review of the agriculture sector was preceded by pilot studies and field visits at the Regional JSR in the Eastern Region. This approach was to ensure more inclusiveness and wider participation in the joint sector reform process. The JSR pilot and field visits were aimed at discussing implementation of agricultural activities and performance in the region and coming up with key policy issues to feed into the national joint sector.

This year’s Joint Sector Review elapsed for 3 days. The daily activities for the programme are;

Day 1 of the programme Reviewed 2018 sector performance.

Using the 2018 Annual Progress Report as the basis, there will be a presentation on Sector performance for 2018. The presentation will highlight sector achievements against set targets and recommend ways to improve sector performance.

The presentation will also share success stories from the field.
Presentation on enhancing effective planning, coordination and results management in the Agricultural sector

There will be a presentation on the theme “Enhancing effective planning and accountability in the Agricultural sector”. The presentation will highlight the current, planning, coordination and reporting processes and identify weaknesses that needs to be addressed.

There will be a presentation on the observations from the joint field visits and pilot JSR at the Eastern Region. Lessons learnt from the pilot JSR will help other regions to replicate the JSR.

Day 2 of the programme looked at promoting investments in the sector. A Presentation will be made on promoting investment in the agricultural sector. This will be followed by panel discussions.

There will also be a presentation on the mid-year performance of major initiatives (PFJ, PERD, Green house Village programme RFJ, Mechanization Programme,) and outlook for 2020.

Day 3 highlighted the key achievements on Climate Smart Agriculture and outlook for 2020 will be presented. Additionally, presentation will be made on 1D1F to inform participants on the status of implementation and for stakeholders to appreciate the procedures and incentives for investors under the initiative.

There was a harmonized presentation on implementation issues of priority programmes (PFJ and PERD) and challenges in planning, coordination and reporting was presented on behalf of the Regional Departments of Agriculture.

At the end of the programme the outcome of the review were;
• Consensus on key issues to improve sector performance
• Recommendations to enhance planning, coordination and reporting in the sector
• Issues from Regional pilot Joint Sector Review shared for action
• Stakeholders informed on progress of implementation on priority programmes
• Awareness of investment opportunities in the sector.

The Joint Sector Review of the agriculture sector was instituted in 2008 as part of efforts to harmonize and improve sector policy dialogue and coherence.

The annual review is aimed at reaching a common view among key sector stakeholders such as MoFA, DPs, other MDAs, private sector and civil society) on important achievements in the sector in the preceding year,

It also reckoned on implementation challenges as well as consensus on priorities. This is expected to inform future plans and budgets for MOFA and sector-related MDAs and also provide the focus for Development Partners (DP) support and private sector participation.