The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) sets to implement the “National Fertilizer Expansion Programme.


The Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA) has set out to implement the “National Fertilizer Expansion Programme. The aim of the Ghana FertilizerExpansion Programme (GFEP) is to operationalize the existing National Fertilizer Policy and Regulations and shall build on other ongoing initiatives resulting in increased crop yield and jobs across the country.

The GFEP is hinged on four pillars which are; to develop the Fertilizer Industrial Sector of Ghana; to develop the entire fertilizer value chain through improved agronomy services, training, farmer education, and develop soil fertility maps and formulas to customize fertilizer application; to optimize or reduce the cost efficiencies along the fertilizer value chain and to drive fertilizer consumption by our smallholder farmers.

To realize this goal, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA) with support from the Alliance for a Green Revolution (AGRA) recruited consultants to develop a 5-year Strategic Plan for the “Ghana Fertilizer Expansion Programme (GFEP)”.

The consultants have subsequently submitted a draft strategy to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture awaiting its validation and finalization before implementation.