LIFESTYLE: Eat this vegetable for its amazing medicinal benefits.

Photo credit: Sintim media

Traditionally, Turkey berries ∕ Kwahu Nsusua are used in households for meals, giving it a somewhat bitter taste. It is one of the most nutritious vegetables in the world and its healing properties are tremendous.

Kwahu Nsusua ∕ Turkey berries are found in numerous countries around the globe like Ghana, Nigeria, Brazil, Jamaica, South America, etc. Apart from that, the turkey berries have some amazing healing benefits that are highlighted below;

Protection from Cancer.
Turkey Berries are antibacterial, anti-fungal, and help to stop excessive cell growth making them significant for cancer. Research shows that the extract of Turkey Berry can help to protect against lung cancer. So include turkey berry in your regular diet to remain safe from all life-threatening diseases.

Treatment of Diabetes.
Diabetes is one of the lifelong conditions that cause a person’s blood sugar level to become too high. Including dried powdered leaves of the Turkey Berry plant to cooked berries help to control diabetes. They are used to lower blood sugar. Therefore regular use of the turkey berry certainly helps to lower the diabetes level.

Treatment of Indigestion and diarrhea.
Regular consumption of turkey Berry is considered good for digestion and helps to treat indigestion, stomachaches, diarrhea as well as other digestion related problems. These berries are capable of neutralizing acid in the stomach making them significant for healing gastric ulcers.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strokes.
Turkey berries consist of saponins, flavonoids, torvosides, alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, cholorogenome, etc. which are actually powerful antioxidants that help to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. The dried berries made into a powder helps to lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks. So including fresh or dried turkey berry is extremely beneficial for dealing with cardiovascular diseases and stroke problems.

Prevention of Pains, redness, and gout.
The berries help to flush out uric acid therefore helping to prevent or reduce pain, redness, and symptoms of gout. Apart from that turkey Berry Leaf consists of powerful anti-inflammatory agents and natural steroids called soasoline which is great for arthritis, lower back pain and swelling, and pain in general. Turkey Berries are very important for health since inflammation is the first step towards all diseases.

Prevention and healing of Colds and flu.
Apart from its health-promoting benefits, turkey berries also help in preventing and healing colds and flu. Use the berries to prepare soup and consume frequently to overcome cold and flu symptoms.

Treatment of Phlegm and mucus.
Including turkey berries in your regular diet help to get rid of phlegm and mucus. Dry the berries and make them into powder, this will dry up the mucus, helps with asthma, coughing, lung inflammation, etc.

Prevention and treatment of Kidney disease.
According to Dr. Haider, research shows that the berries can also help to prevent and treat kidney disease and even reverse tubular necrosis and glomerular congestion, thus making it important for treating kidney disease.

Regulate menstruation.
Frequent consumption of turkey Berries help to regulate menstruation and so help with regular menstrual periods. So anyone with menstrual problems can include turkey berry in their regular diet to solve all the associated problems.

Treatment of Anaemia.
Turkey berries contain lots of iron which is extremely beneficial for treating anaemia. They encourage the production of red blood cells. Apart from that berries can also be used in soups and consumed on a regular basis to increase red blood cell production.

Prevents intestinal worms.
Regular intakes of the berries help to prevent the development of worms within the intestine. Dried and powdered berries can also be added to gravies and eaten for better results.
