LIFESTYLE: The spectacular medicinal benefits of cabbage you should know.


Cabbage is one of the most commonly found vegetables on the planet. Cabbage is a leafy green, red, or white biennial vegetable that grows annually. But did you know that it also packs a hefty dose of health benefits? Rich in antioxidants, cabbage can help improve brain function, digestion while protecting against skin disorders, and heart diseases. It is also a great low-cal option.

This cruciferous vegetable belongs to the Brassica family and is round or oval in shape. It consists of soft, light green, or whitish inner leaves covered with harder and dark green outer leaves. It belongs to the group of cole crops, which means that it is closely related to broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. It is widely used throughout the world and can be prepared in several ways. Most commonly, it is included as either a cooked or raw part of many salads.

Health Benefits of Cabbage
Did you know that the inexpensive and widely used cabbage is full of health benefits? Let’s take a look at the best ones!

Antioxidant Agent
The antioxidants in this vegetable come from Vitamin C and flavonoids, such as quercetin, and apigenin. Red cabbage is particularly potent, as it is full of anthocyanins. Research shows that antioxidants can reduce inflammation and enhance brain function.

Anti-inflammatory Agent
Research published in Clinical Phytoscience suggests that cruciferous vegetables like cabbage have anti-inflammatory properties. They contain sulforaphane, which is a compound that reduces inflammation.

It is also known to accumulate a build-up of cadmium-binding complexes in its leaves; one of the main components of that is glutamine. Glutamine is a strong anti-inflammatory agent, so consuming it can help to reduce inflammation, irritation, allergies, joint pain, fever, and various skin disorders.

Supports the Digestive Tract
A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology suggests that fiber, present in cabbage, helps bulk up the bowel movements and treat constipation. Rich in fiber and glucosinolates, cabbage helps the body retain water and it maintains the bulkiness of the food as it moves through the bowels.

Improves Heart Health
According to a study, cabbage is rich in polyphenols, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood pressure and preventing platelet build-up. Also, by binding the bile acids, it helps to lower your bad cholesterol levels.

Skin Care & Vitamin C
According to the New Wellness Encyclopedia, cabbage of all kinds are rich in vitamin C. A cup and a half of uncooked red cabbage can meet your daily vitamin C requirement. The high quantity of vitamin C has another advantage, of promoting your skin health. It provides photoprotection, helps in wound healing, reduces wrinkling, and dry skin.

Weight Loss
Cabbage is frequently recommended for people who want to lose weight healthily. Since the vegetable is packed with many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, including water and fiber, it is a healthy dietary option for people looking to eat healthier and shedding pounds. It is also low in calories, containing only 33 calories in a cup of the cooked vegetable. Given these beneficial traits, the fad “cabbage soup” diet is often used for those looking to lose weight fast. However, be aware that it is not nutritionally complete, and should be made a part of a balanced, healthy diet, not the main component!

Prevents Cataract
It is a rich source of beta-carotene. So many people, particularly as they get older, turn to cabbage for its ability to prevent macular degeneration and promote good eye health and delay cataract formation.

Supports Brain Health
Cabbage is rich in vitamin K, iodine, and antioxidants like anthocyanins. These elements are beneficial as building blocks for the brain. But emerging research shows that it can do far more than maintain the structural integrity of the brain and the nervous system. A 2019 research by the University of Rochester, published in the journal Nature Communications, found that cruciferous vegetables like cabbage may help in reducing levels of bad tau proteins that are found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics also recommended cruciferous vegetables for improving memory.

Improves Bones
Like all cruciferous vegetables, it is a great source of minerals, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These three essential minerals are integral in the protection of bones from degradation and the onset of conditions like osteoporosis and general bone weakening. The National Spine Health Foundation recommends Vitamin K-rich foods like cabbage to strengthen bones, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles.

Regulates Blood Pressure
Red cabbage happens to be a good source of anthocyanins. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that “Higher anthocyanin intake is associated with lower arterial stiffness and central blood pressure in women.” Simply put, this anthocyanin-rich vegetable helps lower blood pressure levels and prevents heart diseases.

The presence of potassium also makes it a wonderful way to protect yourself from elevated blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, which means that it opens up the blood vessels and eases the flow of blood, so it isn’t being forced in a stress-inducing way through constricted arteries and veins. Overall, it is a great shield against many types of dangerous conditions!

Reduces Muscle Aches
When certain bacteria ferment the sugars in cabbage during the preparation of sauerkraut, lactic acid is released. It isn’t the easiest compound to find in a diet, but it has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and aches. So in some small way, it can help in general pain relief and muscle soreness, depending on how it is prepared.

Speeds-up Healing
Cabbage is rich in sulfur, which is a very useful nutrient as it fights infections. A deficiency of sulfur can result in microbial infections and a greatly reduced healing speed. It also reduces the frequency and severity of ulcers.
