Join the HortiFresh youth roundtable meeting.


Agriculture is mainly seen as a backward activity left for the aged in the country, but this is a sector that employs about 33% of the total workforce in the country. To the youth, it is described as the last choice of employability.

To leverage on business opportunities for the youth in Agribusiness HortiFresh, a programme supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands which prioritizes commercial agriculture in its strategic plan of moving from trade to aid will host a virtual roundtable zoom youth meeting on Wednesday, 12th May 2021 at 10:00 am.

The meeting seeks to provide a platform for youth in the horticulture sector to share the experience of successful agribusiness partners.

This would create market opportunities for youth in agribusiness as well as providing an understanding of the agribusiness dynamics in the 21 century.

The youth are urged to join the virtual roundtable meeting to unearth the business subtleties in agriculture for employment and good livelihood.

For any further details contact +233249672135 or visit