LIFESTYLE: From fruit juice to white bread, stay away from these harmful foods that could raise the risk of heart attack and stroke.


According to studies, regular consumption of high amounts of salt, sugar, saturated fat, and refined carbs can raise the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Are you eating healthy every day or putting yourself at risk of deadly diseases with your eating choices? In our fast-paced life, we tend to pick a lot of processed items from the shelves not giving enough attention to the ingredients. Some of the food items in this list may surprise you as they are perceived healthy by many and it is not uncommon to find them on the breakfast table.

White bread for instance is used for fixing a quick sandwich or fruit juice is a popular accompaniment with breakfast that we usually put in the healthy category or table salt that we do not think twice before sprinkling on our food, are all putting us at grave health risk.

According to studies, regular consumption of high amounts of salt, sugar, saturated fat, and refined carbs can raise the risk of heart attack or stroke. Adding fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy can help your heart health.

Here’s a list of unhealthy foods that you should stay away from:
Cereals: “Most people think it is good for heart health, however, it is one of the biggest myths. Loading your plate with refined cereals along with sugar (these cereals come with loads of sugar) early in the morning is the perfect recipe for disaster,” says Smitha Shetty, Nutritionist.

Refined cereals are harmful to your health.
Plant-based fat: Shetty says vanaspati is the worst kind of fat and the heart absolutely hates and rejects it outright. The healthy replacement could be ghee which is the best fat while unrefined seed-based oils are also good.

Soda: People think soda is healthy, in reality, it is not. Chemicals in soda may actually alter gut bacteria and eventually put people at higher heart risk.

Fresh juices: A lot of people consume sugar in the form of juices. Most juice centers add sugar to one’s fresh juice. The best is to have juices at home. What is better than to bite the fruit and not drink them, says Smitha Shetty.

Fruit juice
White bread: Dr. Ankur Phatarpekar, Director Cath Lab & Intervention Cardiologist, Symbiosis Hospital says consuming too much white bread can contribute to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. “Slices of bread are heavy on starch and can cause stomach problems such as acid reflux, bloating, and constipation. Since it’s low in fiber and protein that helps to slow digestion, white bread is digested and absorbed rapidly. This leads to blood sugars rising quickly,” says the cardiologist.

Salt: Dr. Phatarpekar says eating too much salt can contribute to high blood pressure, which is linked to conditions like heart failure and heart attack, kidney problems, stroke, and osteoporosis. Eating a salty meal can also cause you to have a dry mouth or feel very thirsty.

Rice: The cardiologist says rice contains a high quantity of starch and if you consume it in excess it may increase your risk of diabetes.