Building women’s capacity is critical to strengthening food security and nutrition – AGRA.


The Country Manager, Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Juliette Lampoh commended the women who are taking part in the Agrihouse’s 1 household 1 garden initiative when she paid a working visit to the ongoing Agri-Village Training Demonstration Centre in Kudula-Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana.

Juliette Lampoh was impressed by the massive number of women engaged and the composure of everyone on the field and said AGRA is pleased to be part of the project.

According to her, there is a huge impact on owning a garden currently due the global food security and nutrition.

She seized the opportunity to urge the participants especially the women to own a garden and implement what they are learning in their various household gardens.

“We actually came around to see what is going on here with this 1household 1garden project through the funding support from USAID, AGRA to Agrihouse to implement. I have to say that, so far we are impressed with what we have seen. The participation of the women marvels, and of course men are involved but the number of women engaging in this initiative is impressive, she extols.

She commended the project for equipping the women on how to use available resources in the community to produce organic pesticides with no or less cost.

“I must say, this has a huge impact on the livelihood and nutrition as well as economic benefit”, she added.

Dam Yakubu, a beneficiary of 1H1G said the project is laudable and it will long a way to benefit her household.

She commended Agrihouse Foundation, USAID, and AGRA for the opportunity and suggested that such training should constantly be organized to help reduce poverty among rural folks and improve the living standards of the women in the various communities.

“Coming here is a blessing because I have learned a lot and wish such training would be frequently organized especially for rural women to serve poverty alleviation tool. I have always wanted to learn how to produce organic pesticides, so I am very happy to be part of this project”, she gladly said.

The participants were selected from six districts in the northern region namely; Mion, Yendi, Gushegu, Nanton, Karaga, and Sagnerigu.