Tiger nut is the untapped gold in the soil that should...
Tiger nuts, the tuberous rhizomes marble-sized orbs are one of the most nutritious and hottest superfoods on Ghanaian and international markets with...
Avalavi rice farmers call on the government to the reclamation of...
Rice farmers cultivating at the Weta irrigated field in the Volta Region have called on the government for support to enable them...
Designer crops of the future must be better tailored for women...
For all the progress that scientists have made in breeding crops that feed more people, these breakthroughs typically elude a core demographic...
Helping cassava farmers by extending crop life – CassVita.
“Normally 40 percent of the cassava harvest is lost, but with our technology, none of the harvests is lost, so that’s extra...
Good harvest could tame rising inflation – Databank.
Amid improved rainfall which has been better than the previous year, market watcher, Databank, anticipates that a better food harvest season could...
TCDA sets to launch 5-year strategic and implementation plan.
The Tree Crops Development Authority (TCDA), under the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, is set to launch an ambitious five years Strategic...
Rainforest Alliance empowers smallholder farmers to grow and own plants to...
After a year of introducing smallholder farmers to the Forest Watcher Mobile App, the Rainforest Alliance counts their achievement of growing and...
Post-harvest losses compelling farmers to reduce farm sizes – PFAG.
Perennial post-harvest losses, according to the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG), have compelled many farmers to reduce their farm sizes –...
Cassava, a staple crop that sustains a continent.
Cassava has become such a staple in Africa that many may be shocked to find out that it is not an indigenous...
Agriculture is the best option to recover Ghana’s economy rather than...
Interacting with the stakeholders following the recent intention of the government to engage the monetary policy institution to give it an image,...