MOAP trains Women at UWR on rice parboiling techniques.
The Market Oriented Agriculture Programme (MOAP) in North West Ghana, has provided rice parboiling training techniques for 35 women in the Upper West Region...
Rethinking China’s Participation in African Agricultural Development in the Post-COVID-19 Era.
Africa was already facing food insecurity and agricultural underdevelopment prior to COVID-19. In 2018 studies showed that Sub-Saharan Africa was the world’s most food-insecure...
Rice farmers at Fumbisi appeal for combine harvesters.
Rice farmers at Fumbisi in the Builsa South District of the Upper East Region are appealing to the government to support them with combined...
Is There Any Link – Increased Local Value Addition And Cocoa...
Anytime, the topics of low income and worsening livelihood of cocoa farmers are raised in Ghana, people mistakenly assume Ghana to be the cocoa...
The Current Situation of Rainfall in Ghana: A Threat to Food...
Food security according to the UN's Committee on World Food Security means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access...
Ghana’s credibility on the International Timber Market at stake- CSOs
Civil Society Organizations are calling on the Forestry Commission, the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, and the Parliament of Ghana to undertake their...
Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem embarks on US$400,000 aquaculture project.
To create a sustainable future of shared value with all stakeholders, AngloGold Ashanti Iduapriem Mine has implemented, among other things, an Aquaculture project to...
Tomato farmers at Kpaankole decry of the poor road network.
Young farmers, especially tomato farmers in Kpaankole have lamented over the excessive post-harvest losses due to the deplorable road network.
According to Maaniche Dary, a...
The Rainforest Alliance has supported the Landscape Management Board (LMB) in the Juaboso-Bia in the Western region with an amount of US$18,000, an equivalent...
GARDJA urges speedy operationalisation of cocoa farmers’ welfare fund.
The Ghana Agricultural and Rural Development Journalists Association (GARDJA) has at the launch of its new cocoa advocacy initiative trumpeted the urgent need for...