Prof. Saba gets a prestigious appointment from the UN/WHO for the...

Associate Professor, Courage Kosi Setsoafia Saba of the University for Development Studies (UDS) has been appointed the second time by the United...

Tackling the high cost of fertilizer in Ghana: Public, Private Partnership...

To develop actionable and outcome-oriented strategies to address the challenges of fluctuating prices facing Ghana’s fertilizer and agro-input market, the African Fertilizer...

“We need more players and strong institutions in the cashew sector”...

As part of its efforts to help improve the culture for quality in the Ghanaian cashew value chain in the face of...

UN, FAO/WHO appoint Emeritus Professor Kofi Aidoo to JECFA.

Emeritus Professor Kofi Aidoo has been appointed to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health...

Ayikoi Otoo aggravated by Yↄ Kɛ Gari’s description as Gobɛ

Nii Ayikoi Otoo, the President of the Ga Dangme Council is peeved by the description of a Ghanaian delicacy.

Knox Consulting organises maiden agric business owners’ forum.

Industry players in the agriculture value chain met to analyse gaps recognised in graduates from agriculture tertiary institutions when they enter the...

Africa’s “forgotten” food crops key to support climate-resilient, healthy and profitable...

Through climate niche modeling, new research has identified how forgotten food crops can diversify or replace major staple crops in sub-Saharan Africa...

JRS Biodiversity Foundation and GBIF are lauded for the biodiversity data...

As part of its efforts to help address climate change and problems of biodiversity in Ghana, Conservation Alliance International in partnership with...

Winners of KIC, Mastercard Foundation’s AgriTech challenge pro announced.

The winners of the 2022/2023 Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) AgriTech Challenge Pro were announced in a final pitch competition held in Accra...

Maphlix Trust Ghana Limited calls for application to train the youth...

As part of the efforts to make agribusiness more attractive, and increase production for higher income to the youth in Ghana and...