COCOBOD to sign a $1.5 billion Syndication Loan for 2021/2022 cocoa...
Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) will later today sign a $1.5 billion Syndication Loan for the 2021/2022 cocoa crop season.
Know the Ministers of Food and Agriculture from independence to date.
The Minister for Food and Agriculture is the government official responsible for the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Minister is responsible to the government and...
The shortage of food in Ghana: Exaggeration of PFJ figures is...
The shortage and price hikes of food commodities have been attributed to the exportation of food commodities to other African countries, but...
The newly constituted fisheries commission board is tasked to end illegal...
The Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Mrs. Mavis Hawa Koomson has tasked the newly constituted governing board of the Fisheries Commission...
Cashew conference to address supply chain challenges
The 15th African Cashew Alliance (ACA) annual cashew conference that commenced yesterday has the objective of finding solutions to challenges facing the...
Unlicensed palm oil operators to face the law by next year
The government is set to arrest and prosecute unlicensed and illegal artisanal palm oil producers and processors in the Country by next...
There is a food shortage, not food crisis – Deputy Agric...
The Deputy Minister for Agriculture has dismissed claims that the country is faced with a food crisis.
Mr Yaw...
African farmers and agribusinesses need fair access to markets in face...
Southern and Eastern Africa face the twin challenges of growing agricultural production to meet food demand while adapting to extreme weather. And...
Africa’s green revolution initiative has faltered: why other ways must be...
In July, the United Nations sounded alarms with its 2020 hunger report, which documented a 25% increase from 2019 to 2020 in...
CSIR calls for greater investment in snail production.
Professor Paul Bosu, Deputy Director-General of Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Ghana (CSIR), has called for substantial investment in snail farming...