Youth urged to venture into agriculture to ensure Hunger Free Nation.


The 2019 National Best Agroforestry Farmer, Mr. Robben Asare is urging the youth to venture into agriculture which will help drive sustainable industrialization and help ensure a hunger and malnutrition free continent.

He made these remarks on the sidelines of the 35th Farmers Day Celebration which was held in Ho under the theme: “Enhancing small scale Agriculture towards Agribusiness development” organized by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The Celebration brought various value chain actors to the Volta Regional capital.

The National Best Agroforestry Farmer believes that Agriculture plays a critical role in food security, political stability and world peace, yet in Africa, the youth seems disinterested in the sector.

Mr. Asare said more than 60 percent of Africans are below 35 years old and more than half live in rural areas yet they are not engaging in the Agriculture value chain.

“Young people can be the engine of Africa’s economic transformation through agribusiness if our talents and energy are harnessed into Agriculture” he indicated.

He added that an enabling policy environment is needed to facilitate massive uptake of agricultural technologies for increased productivity, to make agriculture a viable business. “African policymakers should liberalize national seed systems and harmonize registration of inputs such as seeds and fertilizers” he whispered.

“There are so many opportunities in agribusiness and I see the agricultural sector as exciting employment and business opportunity for young people. I started farming in 2016 with 2acres of Yam farmland; in 2019 I had 50 acres of maize farm and 3 acres of Yam farm. In August this same year, I harvested 150 acres of maize and owns 230 acres of land, why shouldn’t I be excited?” he asked.

He pointed out that without passion and zeal, it will be difficult to excel in Agribusiness and so the youth must love Agricultural and go the extra mile to keep themselves informed on the nitigrities of the sector.

“There are opportunities in postharvest, warehousing, technology and even teaching and so it all depends on what the youth wants” he added.

The National Best Agroforestry Farmer believes long-term, low-interest loans for buying agricultural machinery, inputs and land development should be provided to create a competitive agricultural sector for the youth.

“We need to remove inappropriate policies, such as export bans, to provide farmers a fair price for their produce. It is critical to embrace agriculture as a business” he insisted.

“My award is a new category introduced by the Ministry of food and Agriculture into the award scheme, which seeks to reward farmers who cultivate crops as well as planting trees and indeed my hard work has paid me today,” he indicated.

Story by: Reuben Quainoo.