Parliamentary C’tee turns away Deputy Fisheries Minister for Hawa Koomson to rather appear.


A Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development was on Wednesday, August 24 turned away from the public hearing of Parliament’s Assurances Committee for the substantive minister to rather appear on.

Moses Anim was turned away by the Chairperson of the Committee, Patricia Appiagyei, because, she said, the assurance for which the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development has been invited was a personal one.

And so the Asokwa Member of Parliament said the Committee was left with no option but to defer the sitting because it has been officially told Mavis Hawa Koomson is indisposed.

“The reason being that the Minister who is required to appear before this particular committee has been reported to be indisposed and since it was a personal assurance – we have a difference between the institutional assurance and personal assurance – and since it was a personal assurance, by the principle of the committee, we cannot allow any deputy to stand in for her.

“So we require that it should be deferred to a favourable date that will be communicated to us in the future.”

Madam Patricia Appiagyei cautioned ministers of state to attach some seriousness to the Committee’s work.